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Career Strategy

By Mae Gabbert  ·  14 video chapters  ·  1hr 14m

Course Details

Beginner-level  ·  View On Demand   ·  Available on All Devices

From a librarian to Senior Producer at Cloud9's Training Grounds, Mae Gabbert uses her unconventional experience to guide you on your journey towards your dream career.

Learn what "career strategy" actually means, discover your strengths and interests, and land the right opportunities to make real progress towards your goals.

1. Meet the Expert: Mae Gabbert
Mae shares her journey from outside of esports as a youth librarian to managing operations, organizing tournaments, and more before settling in to her current role at Cloud9.

2. What is Career Strategy?
Career options are overwhelming. Mae walks you through proven methods to discover your strengths and how to use them to build your own career development plan.

3. Find Opportunities, Gain Experience
Once you have a career plan, you'll need the experience to get it going. Learn the top skills you'll need in the esports industry and where to find chances to hone your skills.

4. Career Advice: First Impressions Matter
Is it appropriate to message someone on social media? How do I make sure my resume stands out? What do I do on the first days of a new job? Mae answers all these questions and more with her own honest career experiences.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I don't have any esports experience - is that okay?

Yes! You don't need any prerequisite knowledge about esports to benefit from our resources and participate in our community.

I do have some esports experience - is that okay?

Of course! If you've already dipped your toes in the industry, there's plenty here that builds on your knowledge, advances your skills, and takes you deeper into the industry.

What if I'm not looking for a job right now?

That's okay! In fact, much of our content focuses on your personal development not limited to an esports context. We help you gain knowledge and build skills for life so that when you're ready for a job, you're ready.

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An Enlight membership is a monthly subscription that gives you unlimited access our content library and an invitation to our private community. To learn more, visit Our Membership.

What's the time commitment like?

That's up to you! Your flexible membership lets you start where you need, learn what you want, and advance when you're ready with on-demand access to anything in our library. Your membership also includes entry at our expert sessions, coaching calls, and more live community events.

For those of you looking for more dedicated programs and mentorship, keep your eyes on us in the near future!